What is the Barcelona Designer Showcase /

Què és Compost ?

Compost is a temporary showcase for designers. A platform for noThrow design to grow connections with the local maker community in Barcelona.
Our local community is made up of many makers, designers and hobbyists.
We want to support YOU by offering a temporary space in our shop to showcase YOUR creations, create awareness and sale opportunities!


Una plataforma de noThrow design per a fer créixer connexions entre els creadors de la comunitat local.
La nostra comunitat local està formada per molts creadors, dissenyadors i apassionats.
Volem donar-te suport a TU oferint-te un espai temporal a la nostra botiga per a mostrar LES TEVES creacions, crea consciència i oportunitats de venda!

How does the designer showcase work /       

Com funciona ?

We are offering a table in our shop for you to display and sell your work for a set period of 4 weeks.
Our collaboration will be announced via all social media channels. We will take pictures and promote our ‘display month’ of the local designers showcase.
In return we would ask you to share the campaign in your social networks.
A small commission of 10% of the sales price would be retained by the noThrow shop.


If you want to participate in the Barcelona designer showcase please send us an email on sales@nothrowdesign.com with a link to your Instagram/website/portfolio or contact us HERE



T’oferim una taula a la nostra botiga per a que mostris i venguis el teu treball durant un període determinat de 4 setmanes
Anunciem la teva col·laboració a través de les xarxes socials, prenem fotografies i promocionem el nostre “mes de l’exhibició”
Demanem a canvi que comparteixis la campanya a les teves xarxes socials
Una petita comissió del 10% del preu de vendes seria retingut per nosaltres


Si vols participar, envia’ns un email a sales@nothrowdesign.com amb un enllaç al teu instagram/web/portfoli o poseu-vos en contacte amb nosaltres aquí
Contact Us

Meet our most recent collaborators

screen print for showcase for designers project

Solange Dalannais

Solange is an illustrator, screen printer and fabrics creator based in Barcelona. Her bright coloured creations range from prints to cushion, kitchen fabrics and tote bags. All made with natural dyes and colouring.

Pau Bernis

Pau is a Barcelona base carpenter that is not only doing amazing woodwork but also makes small wooden objects such as the skale bottle opener made from recycled skateboards,

Tierra Ceramicas

Gracia based ceramics workshop. The exhibition featured various artists from the studio.

Ziortza Aurrekoetxea,

Ziortza is a designer specialising in sustainable bags. Under the Zioru brand she makes bags from a range of sustainable materials such as recycled PET, pineapple leather and netting from Galician fishermen.

Tamsin Hull

Tamsin is Barcelona based ceramic artist with love for robots. Her exhibition featured a series of humanised ceramic robots.

Textura Ceramica

Yvonne is Barcelona based ceramic artist who likes to play with the combination of neutral glazes with the bright colours of the engobes.

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